Community Projects

Community Projects

ACS believes in the support and development of the local communities within our areas of operation. In the Lokichar area we have established strong relationships with leaders and members of the Turkana community and have developed an understanding of local needs as well as opportunities.
ACS believes that to support economic and social development, and to enhance the capacity and capability of local people to become involved in the oil industry three inter-linked community projects are needed:

  • A Community Centre for information sharing and community capacity development, located in Lokichar, where people can obtain information on the oil industry and advice on jobs and other opportunities.
  • A Bursary Fund for academic and vocational training, to develop a skilled local work force capable of being employed within the oil industry.
  • A Micro-Finance Scheme to encourage the development of small businesses that will increase the local supplier base for the oil industry, and will generally assist the economic development of the local people.

During the development of these projects ACS will work closely with the Northern Rangelands Trust (NRT). NRT is a highly respected non-governmental organization (NGO) providing funding, management advice and training for pastoral communities in the northern and north coast areas of Kenya. NRT is internationally recognized as a successful model of how to support communities in development, stability and the conservation of natural resources. For more detailed information please follow the link to their website:

We anticipate that ACS will take the lead in developing these projects, with NRT acting in an advisory capacity.